Delaware Concerned Residents for Environmental Justice lead UCS staff on a toxics tour, 强调卫生的不公正和不公平, safety, 环境问题,条件和社区驱动的解决方案.
Gretchen Goldman/UCS

Working to Advance Racial Equity

Why does UCS work for racial equity?

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Why does UCS work for racial equity?

简短的回答是:因为我们是相信正义的人类, 我们希望517888九五至尊娱乐能反映出这种信念.

Here's a longer answer:

种族主义在美国是一个无法回避的现实. The legacy of white supremacy 继续伤害我们这些黑人, Native American, Latinx, 或者其他种族边缘化群体的成员. 这些社区面临着不公平的负担,包括 violence, disenfranchisement, 经济压迫和剥削、资源获取不平等等 health care and education, and disproportionate exposure to environmental risks. 这些负担中有许多与UCS所做的517888九五至尊娱乐直接相关.

So, 作为一个致力于“健康的地球和更安全的世界”的组织,” we must address the reality that health and safety are enjoyed unequally across racial lines in our country. Ending these inequities must be an integral part of our mission and our daily work. And a commitment to facing facts means we must be willing to talk about racism explicitly, 听听那些被它伤害过的人的意见, and confront it both in the world we seek to change and in our own assumptions and actions. UCS as an organization has not always lived up to these ideals and is working to do better.

Racism and science

Science is a powerful tool for solving problems and making people’s lives better. 但它也被用来制造伤害和阻碍进步. The story of science’s role in supporting racist oppression is long and shameful, 包括未经同意进行的医学和外科实验 enslaved Black people and their descendants, and eugenics theories that inspired Nazi racial ideology and led to tens of thousands of forced sterilizations 美国的黑人、原住民和拉丁人.

今天,种族主义继续以重要的方式扭曲617888九五至尊娱乐,例如 种族主义智力理论的持续存在 and the 在医学知识和医疗保健结果方面存在重大差距 对于有色人种社区来说很大程度上是由几十年的 研究主要集中在白人男性身上. Thus it should come as no surprise that many members of racially marginalized communities regard science and scientists with a well-grounded mistrust.

However, 当617888九五至尊娱乐站在正义的一边, it can be a crucial, 为负担沉重的社区提供改变游戏规则的资源. So it’s vitally important for scientists and their allies to use their expertise to address equity issues and build trustful, 与争取正义的人建立平等的伙伴关系.

Addressing racial equity in our work

UCS has made it an organizational priority to bring our commitment to racial equity to our advocacy campaigns and projects. 我们还有很长的路要走,但我们正在学习和进步. Below are some examples of our work and commentary over the past few years where racial equity has been an important focus.

Environmental justice

化工厂附近的社区被围起来, refineries, 其他危险场所面临严重疾病和死亡的风险增加. 他们很可能是有色人种社区.

Climate justice

617888九五至尊娱乐变化最终是每个人的问题. 但有色人种社区往往站在第一线, 受到飓风等617888九五至尊娱乐影响的“首次和最严重”打击, sea level rise, and extreme heat.

Food justice

我们食品体系的失败对有色人种的打击最大, 无论是缺乏获得健康食品的途径, 对粮食和农场工人的剥削, 或者消灭印第安人的饮食方式.

Nuclear weapons justice

A tiny number of decisionmakers in a handful of countries impose existential danger from nuclear weapons on the rest of the world, diverting billions of dollars away from much-needed causes and towards these destabilizing and unjust weapons. The frontline communities most harmed by the production, testing, 以及核武器的使用不成比例地来自土著社区, communities of color, low-income, and rural communities. 消除核武器对于建立一个安全的世界至关重要 just and sustainable future.

Voting rights

In a healthy democracy, marginalized communities could use the political system to overcome inequities—but in the United States, gerrymandering, voter suppression, 而其他形式的剥夺公民权往往会阻碍这条道路.

Access to science

无论是像枪支暴力研究这样的生死问题, 更微妙但影响深远的话题,比如搜索算法, 或STEM领域的就业机会, 有色人种在获取技术信息方面缺乏渠道或面临障碍, resources, and participation.


作为一个组织,我们正在不断地建设能力 advance racial equity as we work to achieve our mission. Part of this effort includes creating an organizational culture that encourages communication and learning around implicit bias, institutional and structural racism, 以及这些问题如何在517888九五至尊娱乐场所发挥作用, in the problems we work on, and more widely within US society. All UCS staff receive a basic racial equity training to ensure that we share language and concepts.

In addition, we've redesigned our hiring practices to increase the racial diversity of our candidate pools for open positions.

UCS is committed to building an inclusive workplace culture where talented people of widely diverse backgrounds can thrive. We believe that welcoming diverse perspectives will improve our work and produce better societal and environmental outcomes for all, 包括历史上被剥夺公民权的社区. 员工在内部参与这一承诺, 建立一个友好的517888九五至尊娱乐场所文化, and racial equity is an integral component of our scientific analysis and our campaigns